Entries by Teresa Pastena

How to write a successful cover letter

With many job applications being ignored on the Internet, you might want to consider improving your cover letter. But if you need to send one or you simply want to stand out, here’s how you can make a difference. If 2017 is the year to make a change in your career, you’re going to need […]

The best questions to ask at an Interview

So you have an interview. You’ve prepared good answers for questions that will most likely be asked. But have you prepared the questions you will ask the interviewer? There is more to effective interviewing than just coming up with good answers: you also need the right questions. As part of you interview preparation, review the […]

How To Balance Work And Family Life

Monday Motivation #01 Tips For Balancing Work & Family Life Balancing a career and family can be difficult. As a working parent, you have to meet deadlines at work, care for your children, worry about your bills, spend time with your spouse, and keep your home neat and orderly. It’s not easy. Especially when unexpected […]

Why is it important to pay your staff well?

What would you identify as your company’s most valued asset? Some would answer that question and say the product; we wonder how many would say they consider their staff to be the most valuable pieces? You are in business to make a profit and need to invest in your company so it survives for the […]

How to deal with difficult staff?

Dismissal. The easiest and quickest way to get rid of that challenging employee; but is it really the member of staff that’s the problem, or could there be more to it? If the worst came to pass, could you effectively deal with the challenge of an “unfair dismissal” case summons before an employment tribunal? Does […]

How to retain your staff in the workplace

Few things are as costly and disruptive as good staff walking out the door. Unfortunately this cannot always be avoided but some reasons are preventable. High workload/overworked with lack of recognition Normally the most committed and trusted employee has the highest workload. If they find they are constantly taking on more and more, especially when […]

Why use a recruitment agency to select your staff?

Finding the perfect match for your job description could be a difficult task and can take more time than you initially may think. The recruitment industry, despite some of the biggest companies continuing to use internal tools for their job hunting (job boards and social media), is exponentially growing and will continue to be considered […]

Are you looking for a job in the medical sector?

As a recruitment agency specialising in Italian speaking candidates, CV&Coffee will start recruiting doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and technical support staff. The initiative was born in partnership with a leading medical recruitment company in the UK. Selected candidates will work within the National Health Service, public and private facilities, all over the UK. Candidates are expected to speak English […]

How to get the most out of Applications?

Applying for job can be a frustrating and seeming fruitless task as many people find that they apply for lots of jobs but get little feedback as to whether they have been selected or even that the application has been received. This is not only frustrating because you don’t know you if were not successful […]